A sanctuary the size of Chimfunshi brings new tasks and new challenges every day. New projects have to be initiated and implemented continuously to ensure the care of the chimpanzees; the admission of new animals; and to secure and promote the life of the villagers and education of the children. Support one of our current projects on Chimfunshi!

School feeding program | Start 2023
Combating malnutrition and ensuring education are major challenges. At Chimfunshi, we therefore provide a free lunch for everyone who attends school. But many come without breakfast. The time until lunchtime is too long, especially for the youngest children. We urgently want to offer them breakfast too.

New outdoor enclosure | Start 2023
All rescued and adopted chimpanzees should receive a safe, species-appropriate home at Chimfunshi. In order to achieve this, we urgently need to build an additional, spacious forest enclosure for the new arrivals of the last five years so that they have the chance to live as naturally as possible as a chimpanzee.

A new handling facility | Start 2021
Chimfunshi's outdoor enclosure #2 is in desperate need of a new handling facility. The enclosure is home to the largest chimpanzee group at Chimfunshi which is now home to 55 chimpanzees. Unfortunately, the old handling facility no longer meets the needs of the group. There is an urgent need for an extension to ensure consistent feeding and veterinary care for all chimpanzees.

New bus for our school | Start 2024
The extensive catchment area of our school has no public transport. The only existing and already aging school bus can only transport some of the 220 children and keeps breaking down completely. Around 100 children, some of whom come from villages far away, have no transport available, so the youngest children cannot get to school at all.

Improving the sanitation situation | Start 2024
Sanitation and education are closely linked. Access to clean water and hygiene reduces disease, which means children miss school less often. We want to increase class attendance and educational opportunities by improving sanitation facilities at our school, especially for girls during their period.

Electricity for new school buildings | Start 2024
Ensuring a constant power supply is crucial for the operation of our school. Now that we have been able to expand the school with new buildings, the existing solar system is no longer sufficient to supply all classrooms and specialist rooms. We need your help to be able to install additional solar modules at short notice.